Wednesday, July 31, 2013

my little pink

in red

life lately


Untuk yang kesekian kalinya aku bersin hari ini. Memang, sejak kemarin badanku mulai terasa tidak enak, pegal di beberapa tempat dan tenggorokanku sedikit perih.

Benar saja, hari ini keadaanku semakin parah. Kepala terasa berat dan hidung terus menerus berair.

Beberapa hari terakhir ini aku memang kelimpungan mengerjakan beberapa pesanan sepatu. Maklum, semua diburu sebelum hari lebaran.

Sekalipun badanku rasanya sulit untuk diajak bekerja sama hari ini, namun kalau melihat hasil sepatu rajutan yang telah benar-benar rampung, puas rasanya.

Sebenarnya sakitku bukan semata-mata karena kelelahan mengerjakan pesanan rajut. Aku sih lebih menduga kalau ini dikarenakan selama dua hari terakhir ini aku seharian pergi dengan Rii ( *lol ).

Cuaca di Bogor yang tidak menentu, sebentar hujan dan sebentar panas lah yang mungkin membuatku sakit. Dan dalam dua hari terakhir ini aku terus-terusan mengkonsumsi minuman dingin, tidak heran kalau sekarang tenggorokanku perih sekali rasanya. hehehe

Sepertinya lebih baik hari ini aku beristirahat lebih cepat, sebelum keadaanku semakin memburuk.
See you..

Friday, July 19, 2013

diy doily dreamcatcher - how to make doily dreamcather


A few days ago I did a search on the internet and found something interesting. Lately I'm looking an article about "how to decorate your room" something sort of DIY stuff (do it yourself).

I really like these thing that related to DIY project, maybe even have an addicted for it. When I found something interesting, that comes in my head is not "where can I buy it?" but rather "how do I make it?".

That's when I saw the article or rather a picture about dreamcather, I've been wanting to make this thing, but because my my desire too much ( want to make this and that), then the idea about dreamcather simply forgotten.

When I saw it again yesterday, I immediately did a search about how to make dreamcather. Then I found the doily dreamcatcher tutorial at Lune Vintage, and I liked it the idea of using doily as a center of the dreamcatcher.

You will need:

doily (i make it by myself)
hoop (i use rattan hoop)
yarn or cord
wooden beads
multipurpose adhesive

How to make:
Start by cutting a length of your yarn and wrapping it around your hoop. The larger the hoop the more yarn you will need. Glue the first section of wrapped yarn with multipurpose adhesive and let this dry.

Continue to wrap the yarn around the hoop tightly

Place the doily in the center of the hoop, and tie four corners using a bow (just to make sure the doily not shifted). Then stretch the rest of the doily using yarn.

Now it's time to add the extra bits. Cut 3 pieces of yarn. Double these over and attach to the bottom half of your hoop as shown above.

Add as many wooden beads as you like, wherever you like. Stick feathers with another yarn piece at the bottom of your swinging cord pieces. You shouldn't need to use any glue.

Voila! and this is the result

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